It is easy to throw your money in the name of charity, but extremely difficult to do charity that does good to the world. Donations, if given to the wrong person, may instead of doing any good for the society may do considerable harm to the world. Nowadays, thousands of charities have cropped up merely to receive donations from such people who have lost the pleasure of money in the name of charity.
The right type of charity is explained in Gita in following words. Lord Krishna says,
“Charity that is given as a matter of duty, to a deserving candidate who does nothing in return, at the right place and time, is called a Saattvika or True charity.”(Gita 17:20)
Therefore, all charities have to be given to a deserving person at the right place and time. If the rich person is only interested in his interest viz. getting publicity and worldly name and fame, he may be least bothered to the use of charity. As a result, the charity often goes in the hands of the unscrupulous people as they are more likely to convince the rich persons for the share of his charity than a deserving person who may be too dignified to seek alms from a rich person.
Thus the charity given for the purpose of achieving name and fame from the world often results into failure as the world in severe in criticism, if the charity is distributed to wrong people. Thus the person, whose purpose of charity was to get worldly returns, often feel disappointed as his investment in the form of charity fail to produce the desired results.
Jesus, therefore, asks the people to do the charity without publicity and expectation as God rewards those who do not seek any fruits in this world.
“Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.
But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (Matthew 6:1-4)
The Holy Koran too emphasizes that the spirit of charity more important then the act of charity. It gives benefit only if one gives it voluntarily out of love of God or humanity rather than a duty that is forced upon them by scriptures. Charity can not be measured in terms of dollars, but measured in terms of the spirit of the giver as Koran says,
“A kind word with forgiveness is better than charity followed by injury.. . . O you who believe, make not your charity worthless by reproach and injury, like him who spends his wealth to be seen by people. . .” (2:263-264)
The Real Purpose of Charity
Charity in reality is a test of the belief of God. It hardly changes the world or the people to whom the charity is given. However, it transforms the person who gives charity. It is easy to say that one love God and his children, but few people can follow up their words in deeds. Charity without expectation of return in possible only when a person truly believes in God or the Spirit. It is not easy to give away the worldly things to someone without any expectation of returns. Every act of charity establishes that the charitable man has been able to develop detachment from the worldly possessions including fame and name, which is possible only if the person, is really spiritually awakened. Yet, nothing goes waste in this world. It only transforms into another form by the laws of nature. The material things, therefore, get converted into spiritual realization by the act of charity.
The principles of Karma as enshrined in Gita, states that every action is like a seed that automatically results into the fruit as per the laws of nature. Whatever you sow, so will you reap is an old proverb. The world seems to work on this basic principle of action and reaction.
Thus whenever, a person performs any act, he gets something material in return. If we do our job in the office, we are paid our salaries. When you put some money in bank you get interest. When you invest in shares, your investment increases or decreases with the share market.
All actions results into some results. Charity is no exception. All acts of charities are highly rewarded by this world. The world, tries to return what you have given to it. However, if you don’t accept the return in terms of money, it tries to honor you by words of praise. If you even refuse praise and honor, it respects you from the bottom of the heart.
Every piece of wealth, if sacrificed in this world, results into some worldly returns in this world itself. The nature tries to balance your acts in a way that the world does not feel obliged by you. It pays all material charity with material rewards. All material rewards, however, binds the man to the world and such acts of kindness can not be said to be unselfish. The people receiving the charity feel inferior to the people who give charity. The glorification of charity in this world, therefore, does not provide any spiritual satisfaction to the person as the charity does not remain charity after being paid by the world in kind or by an alternative coin.